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Tiger Tales 3/2/25

Posted Date: 3/02/25 (6:41 PM)

Tiger Tales bb
March 2, 2025
Welcome Back from Break
We hope everyone had a restful and fun-filled break! As we ease back into the school routine on, March 5, here are a few tips to help with the transition:
✔️ Get back into a bedtime routine early.
✔️ Pack those backpacks the night before.
✔️ Double-check for any missing library books, snow gear, or lunchboxes that may have “taken a vacation” at home.
✔️ Start the morning with a little extra patience (for kids and grown-ups!).
Movie Madness Permission Slips—Sign Now!
Our Movie Madness event is happening on Friday, March 7, and we need your digital “signature” to allow your child to participate! Permission slips were sent via ParentSquare—please take a moment to complete it so your child can join in the fun.
Reminder: Town Meeting Day is Tuesday, March 4!
Exercise your right to vote! Town Meeting Day is a great opportunity to engage in local decision-making that directly impacts our community. 
Don't forget
Dates to Remember
3/3 Informational Meeting @ 6:00
3/4 Budget Vote @ Derby Town Office
3/5 Return from Break
3/7 Movie Madness: schoolwide celebration
3/9 Daylight Savings starts, spring forward
march menue
movie flyer
voting flyer
potluck flyer